About Seller Siren

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Seller Siren was created to help Amazon FBA sellers by giving live sales updates and notifications direct to your phone. Many sellers are constantly logging in to Seller Central and checking their phones throughout the day to see if any new sales have been made. No more!

With Seller Siren you get sales push notifications direct to your phone along with an optional sound as soon as a sale is made. Add some fun to your sales with a Cha-Ching! sound, or choose from many others!

Stay updated throughout your day without getting distracted. Save time and maintain your focus with Seller Siren.

We do not share or sell your data in any way, and do not use for any purposes beyond providing you with the sales data you need.

How Seller Siren Can Help You Stay on Top of Your Sales Game and Save You Time

Welcome to the Seller Siren app, designed to help you stay on top of your sales game by sending push notifications to your phone whenever a sale is made on Amazon. Our app is fully customizable, so you only receive the notifications you want, and you can choose from over 20 optional sound effects to add a little excitement to your business. The app can help you save time and increase productivity.

As an Amazon seller, you know that timing is everything when it comes to sales. That's why our app sends you real-time push notifications whenever a sale is made, so you can stay up to date on your sales efficiently. By receiving notifications instantly, you can keep tabs on your sales progress each day, and also become aware more quickly if there is a sudden drop in sales. Our app also helps you avoid the need to constantly check your sales data throughout the day, which can be a huge time-saver.

Seller Siren's customizable notifications feature allows you to filter notifications by SKU, number of sales, and more, so you only receive the notifications that are relevant to you. This feature gives you more control over the notifications you receive, leading to increased efficiency and reduced distractions. With our app, you can set up notifications that suit your unique needs and preferences, and focus on the sales that matter most to you.

One of the biggest benefits of our app is the time it saves you as an Amazon seller. With instant push notifications, you don't have to constantly check your sales data throughout the day, freeing up time for other tasks. You can also get an optional sound effect to your notifications to add a little fun and excitement to your business. Our app helps you stay focused on what matters most – growing your business and increasing sales.

We hope the Seller Siren app can help you stay on top of your sales game and save time. By providing real-time sales notifications, customizable notifications, detailed sales data, and more, our app helps you work smarter, not harder. Download our app today to experience the benefits for yourself.